Matt Wilkins
- The Seattle Arts Commission awarded a $7500 fellowship for an hour-long collection of film and video shorts in 1994.
- The King County Arts Commission awarded a $4000 contract for the production of a short 16mm film, entitled Interior Latex in 1996.
- The Northwest Film Forum awarded the Out of the Can Grant Project in 1997, giving free access to editing facilities at Wiggly World Studios.
- The King County Arts Commission awarded $2500 in finishing funds for the post-production of Interior Latex in 1998.
- The Northwest Film Forum selected Matt Wilkins for the 2001 Start to Finish Program, which gave matching funds towards the production of his first feature film, Buffalo Bills Defunct. This program was supported with $10,000 from the Paul Allen Foundation.
- The King County Arts Commission is also supporting this project with a $4000 contract for the year 2002.
- The Artist Trust awarded a grant of $1400 in 2002 in support of Buffalo Bills Defunct.
Interior Latex has played at:
- The Northwest Film and Video Festival (Portland, Oregon)
- Judges Award from Matt Groening
- Cinematexas (University of Austin, Texas)
- The Portland International Film Festival
- The Santa Monica International Film Festival
- The Seattle International Film Festival
- The Little Theatre (Seattle)
- One Reel Film Festival (Bumbershoot, Seattle)
- 911 Media Arts Center (Seattle)
- Fremont Outdoor Cinema (Seattle)
- Independent Exposure
- Hardshare Independent Film Festival (Winslow, Arkansas)
- IndieSpace, (Santa Monica CA)
- The Newport Beach Film Festival
- The Crash Film Festival (Mexico City)
- Annual Golden Shower Film and Video Festival (San Antonio)
- Idaho Film Foundation/ The Flicks (Boise ID)
- Western Washington University (Bellingham WA)
- Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art (Great Falls MT)
- Kodiak Arts Council (Kodiak AK)
- Haines Art Council (Haines AK)
- Out North (Anchorage AK)
- University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Pacific Cinematheque (Vancouver BC)
- Bunnell Street Gallery (Homer AK)
- Central Oregon Community College (Bend OR)
- Lewis-Clark College (Lewiston ID)
- First Night/Tacoma-Pierce Counties (Tacoma WA)
Earlier works have played at:
- Mondial International Film and Video Festival (Brussels)
- Viva-8 Film Festival (London)
- Directors Guild Theatre (Los Angeles)
- Rainy States Film Festival (Seattle)
- Short Attention Span Film Festival (San Francisco)
- Llano Estacado Video Festival (Texas)
- Mannheim-Heidelberg Film Festival (Germany)
- Independent Exposure
- Nomad Video (Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles)
- The Velvet Elvis (Seattle)
- Vagrom Video (Seattle)
- Fremont Outdoor Cinema (Seattle)
- 911 Media Arts Center (Seattle)
- Microsoft
- Films From Here (The Alibi Room, Seattle)
- Off-line (National Public Access)
- Trepanation Trepidation (animation, 1 minute, 2000)
- Interior Latex (16mm, 13 minutes, 1999)
- 30! (Video, 3 minutes, 1999)
- Caustic Comments (16mm, 3 minutes, 1995)
- Collection of Shorts: Oh Shit- That's My Mind (Film and Video, 1 hour, 1995)
Includes the shorts:
- Court Jester With Short Life Expectancy
- Cool Kidz
- Eugene O'Neill's A Short Day's Journey Into Night
- The Poet Goes Dining and Dashing
- The Gods Looked Down and Laughed (Super-8, 8 minutes, 1994)
- The Agnostic Party (Hi-8 video, 45 minutes, 1993)
- Collection of Shorts: I Wish I Could Find $5 on the Ground (Public Access Video, 20 minutes, 1992)
- The Poet Gets a Ticket
- The Poet Answers the Door
- Mr. Hyperbole
- Collection of Shorts: I Ain't Got No Chicken Bones In My Brain (Public Access Video, 10 minutes, 1991)
- The Screwy Guy
- Grieving and Nothingness
- The Intangible Foe (Super-8, 13 minutes, 1989)