Buffalo Bill's Defunct
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Dirt Cheap Comedy
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The money that is earned by Sisyphus I LLC will be shared in the following manner. First, all outstanding debts from the production and promotion of Buffalo Bill’s Defunct will be paid. The remaining income will be shared by investors, Northwest Film Forum and Sisyphus Productions in the following manner.

Claymation Sisyphus logo (2.6mb)
Suppose Buffalo Bill’s Defunct gets distributed and earns $300,000 (after the distributors had taken their cut). If $50,000 is owed to people who had worked on the film and to other expenses and the investment total is $25,000. The $50,000 production debt would be taken out first leaving $250,000. Next $25,000 would be paid to the investors, giving each investor the amount they had originally invested. Next Sisyphus Productions and the Northwest Film Forum will share 55% of the $250,000 or $137,500. With $123,750 going to Sisyphus Productions for the production of our next feature and $13,750 going to NWFF to be used for funding the Start-to-Finish program for future recipients. There would then be $87,500 to be shared by the investors. If you invested $1000, you would get 1/25 of this money which would be $3,500. In this scenario you will make $4,500 from your $1,000 investment. Now suppose the film is not picked up by a distributor and it earns $65,000 through self distribution and other means. Once again, the $50,000 debt would be paid first. Leaving $15,000 to share amongst the investors. If you invested $1,000 you will get 1/25 of this money or $600. Investing in this film is not risk free and if it does not earn more than it costs to make, your investment will be lost.

Another option for giving financial support to this film is to make a tax deductible donation through the Northwest Film Forum. This will not entitle the donor to any part of the profits of the film, but does offer the benefit of a tax write off.

Of course anyone who invests or otherwise gives money to this project will have their name in the credits, be invited to the premiere, get free tickets to any local showing of the film, be invited to any parties associated with the film, and is welcome to visit the set. Along with these benefits there will also be the unquantifiable satisfaction of playing an important part in the making of a great film.


“Buffalo Bill’s Defunct” will use the decreasing major-studio product and increasing demand to its advantage. Even without national distribution, it can turn a profit on the art house circuit alone (see Appendix 1).

Sisyphus I LLC is in a good position to overcome the obstacles usually encountered by independent filmmakers. Both partners are well established in the Seattle film community and will work in collaboration with local experts. In addition, “Buffalo Bill’s Defunct” has been selected by the Northwest Film Forum for their Start-to-Finish program, which offers matching funds and free access to editing and other equipment, which will stretch the film’s budget even further.

We are confident that Sisyphus I LLC can produce an exceptional independent film with a small budget and with Matt Wilkins and Eliza Fox as the production team.

How to Invest

The financial goal of Sisyphus I is to make a profit from Buffalo Bill’s Defunct. The size of budget will make this relatively easy even with a limited distribution run. There are two ways you can get involved. One is to invest. Send your investment to:

Sisyphus Productions
Attn: Eliza Fox
13735 Macadam Rd. S.
Tukwila WA 98168
Or Call (206)243-6624

Please include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail. We will send you an investors kit.

It is also possible to make a tax-deductible donation through the Northwest Film Forum, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. If you do this you will not be entitled to any part of the profit. Make your check out to Northwest Film Forum and in the "for" space write "Sisyphus I LLC." Send it to:

Northwest Film Forum
Attn:Sisyphus Productions
610 19th Ave E. Seattle WA 98112
Or Call (206) 329-2629

Please include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail (optional). You will receive a receipt, qualifying you for federal tax write offs.

If you have any questions please call Eliza Fox (206)243-6624 or email eliza@sisyphusproductions.com.



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