- Art Patch 2007 grant for the production of "Animal Within."
- Artist Trust 2006 GAP grant for “Animal Within.”
- 4Culture's 2006 Arts Special Projects for "Animal Within."
- 4Culture's 2004 Arts Special Projects for post-production and distribution of "Buffalo Bill's Defunct."
- Mayor's Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Seattle City Artists 2004, for the post-production and distribution of "Buffalo Bill's Defunct."
- Artist Trust 2002 GAP grant for "Buffalo Bill's Defunct- Stories from the New West."
- The King County Arts Commission, 2001 Special Projects for the production of "Buffalo Bill's Defunct."
- The Northwest Film Forum selected Matt Wilkins for the 2001 "Start to Finish Program," which gave matching funds towards the production of his first feature film, "Buffalo Bill's Defunct." This program was supported in part with a grant from The Allen Foundation for the Arts.
- The King County Arts Commission, 1998 Special Projects contracted finishing funds for the post-production of the short film "Interior Latex."
- The Northwest Film Forum awarded the "Out of the Can Grant Project" in 1997, giving free access to editing facilities at Wiggly World Studios.
- The King County Arts Commission, Special Projects 1998 for the production of a short film, entitled "Interior Latex."
- The Seattle Arts Commission awarded a fellowship for an hour-long collection of film and video shorts in 1994.